School Service – Help with Driving Tickets and Fines

School Service – Help with Driving Tickets and Fines

The ticket is a traffic ticket. If a parking ticket or other illegal act will receive a traffic ticket, it must be resolved by paying a fine or appeal to the court.
When you receive a traffic ticket, don’t be nervous.

The first step: Observe carefully

Read carefully at the accuracy of your traffic ticket information first. For example: whether your car or your information is accurate or not. In the absence of critical information or inaccurate information, the judge may refuse to hear your case.
Confirm which traffic rules you violated. In general, the police will tick or write down which traffic rules you did not follow.
Read carefully at the back of the ticket for three options

Step Two: Collect Evidence

Record all relevant information on the accident scene. (For example, when does your car stop, where does it stay, how is the weather, whether the road is busy or not, when you are stopped by the police and the like.) Because the law mostly depends on subjective judgments, details can help you Learn more about the situation at the time.
Collect evidence from eyewitnesses. If they are willing to testify for you, remember to leave their name and contact information for future court appearances. You can tell the judge that the police description is inaccurate.
Take pictures from your perspective and from the police’s point of view, because from two different perspectives, you may see something different. You can argue: The police did not stand in a good perspective and all did not observe this happening.
Observe what kind of equipment the police use. You have to make sure that the instrument is working properly at that time. Before going to court, you can ask the police to show a copy of the instrument’s maintenance records. If the police are relying on information obtained from inaccurate instruments, the judge may also refuse to accept such cases.

Step three: Evaluate your ticket

Assess the severity of the ticket. Choose to pay the fine directly or choose to go to court.
For example, no penalty points for parking tickets do not affect vehicle insurance. Many people choose to pay directly, saving time and money.
However, if the ticket is related to your driving behavior (speeding, drunk driving, careless driving, etc.), then it is recommended that you choose to go to court, because such a ticket usually deducts points and affects insurance.

Step Four: Go to the Court

It’s best to find a lawyer or legal assistant to represent you.
Apply for a translation provided by a court.
Wear it clean and decent.
Honor judges and staff.

Step Five: Contact Evergreen Driving School

Evergreen Driving School ticketing service, working with a number of professional lawyers to ensure that your violation of the regulations is the best lawyer to help you solve the problem. Handle to Chase, driving worry-free.

Special attention:
If you do not choose to pay a fine or appeal within 15 days of receiving the ticket, or if you do not attend your trial, the judge will review your case in the absence of you and may decide that you are against the law. May cause you to be revoked driver’s license.